information: 17-07-2024
OxyDetective x64 Setup crack full working
How to install :
Download and install the Oxygen Forensic Detective setup.
Download and extract the crack file.
Replace the original files in the installed folder with the cracked files.
Run Oxygen Forensics Detective.
The hardware key will be copied to your clipboard.
Open the keygen (WLGen_Oxygen.exe) and click on "License Manager."
Add a new license with the following information:
Customer Name: user
Company Name: BlackHat
Hardware ID: Paste the copied hardware key
Click "Save."
Select your user in the list and click "Create License Key."
A "user-BlackHat" folder will be created.
Open the "user-BlackHat" folder and copy the "Oxygen.dat" file.
Paste the "Oxygen.dat" file into the following locations:
Installed Oxygen Detective root folder
Data folder
DeviceExtractor folder
Documents folder and any other sub-folders
Copy the "oxydetectivekey.dat" file from the crack zip and paste it here:
(Use your system username instead of BlackHat)
Copy the "Passware" folder from the crack zip and paste it here:
(Use your system username instead of BlackHat)
Now you can open Oxygen Forensic Detective from your desktop